
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Bye Bye

I am a graduate, so I am looking jealously on at all the wide eyed excited new and continuing students, I wish it was me! I really liked being at university (as many people do) and am now for the first time not sure what I will be doing over the next year.

My mini guide to university would be:
First Years – Have a great time at Fresher’s, this is your year to have fun and enjoy what the university experience has to offer, but don’t let the 40% pass rate make you dismissive, it is also the best time to get to grips with learning objectives and to know what’s needed before the grades start to count!

Second Years – Last year was fun but you are going to have knuckle down a bit more now, my good grades from my second year really helped me get my 2:1, it may only be 25%, but it doesn’t turn out well it can make all the difference.

Third Years – As well as having an awful lot of work, including exercising you real academic thinking brain muscles in order to complete your final year project, do your best to keep on top of things but start thinking about your career too. Depending what you want to do graduate schemes can start taking applications from as early as September of your third year.

I have now seen Brave, the new Pixar film, which I was really looking forward to. I had already read part of the Art of Brave book so had some insights into the story. I really enjoyed it and it was incredibly beautiful, I felt the departure from Pixar norms but it just felt different not worse. There are still funny bits which I really enjoyed; especially Merida’s little brothers who are pretty much wholly comic relief. I can’t wait to get the DVD and enjoy the extras; I might even go and see it again.

So with my degree finished and my time working for the University coming to an end this will be my very last blog post. I have enjoyed boring everyone with my cinema viewings. Best wishes from me as I sadly say bye bye. 

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