
Monday, 2 July 2012

Things Going On

My last blog was a bit of a rush with so much time having passed. Now university and a few weeks of work are over, I have been spending the last two weeks packing my things to move back home with my parents. It is the end of an era, at least I still work for the university, which I like to think softens the overall effect of everything ending. It is an important time for me to try not to panic (in the current economic climate) and do my best to feel like there’s a world of opportunities.

I haven’t been to the cinema since my last blog but my next scheduled visit is for the Amazing Spiderman. I am very much an Emma Stone (Easy A, The Help) fan and know a little bit about the Spiderman comics so I am looking forward to it. I also have a trip to LEGOLAND (spellcheck makes this capitalised, interesting) planned; I haven’t been for ten years so I am looking forward to seeing what has changed, and perhaps adding some more mini figures to my collection. Such mature interests…

A few months back I enjoyed watching all the series of Friends in quick succession having not seen most of it. Now I am doing the same with Scrubs, on series three I am enjoying it and it is funny to be reminded about the odd episodes you’ve seen and the fact that you had no idea of their context.

I hate sorting through my stuff; it’s amazing what you accumulate over three years in one place. I threw away quite a lot but am bad at getting rid of things with sentimental value. What are even worse are those things that are not really wanted but not really nice enough for a charity shop or eBay. 

I don’t know if anybody attended the Open Day on Saturday to find out about the university. There were quite a few things that were closed down or we had to walk round in preparation for the Olympics. I am dreading it merely because I have to commute through Stratford, which I am anticipating being horrible. I hope other people are looking forward to it though; I won’t be getting up to see the torch go through Chelmsford at 7am this Saturday.

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